Domestic violence arrests are common in Miami and around the state of Florida. Once law enforcement is called in, their obligation is to ensure the safety of those involved. Unfortunately, if you are charged with a domestic violence crime, it can lead to serious consequences. That is because any crime committed in the context of the family or domestic setting is treated very differently than if it had occurred elsewhere.
Those who are considered family or household members include current and former spouses, individuals related by blood or marriage, those currently or who have formerly lived together, and those who have a child in common, whether ever married or not. You need to turn to an attorney who has devoted her career to this field and who has built a reputation for competence in representation and compassion when dealing with clients facing legal crises. Bringing in an attorney who understands the intricacies of domestic violence law and how to build effective defenses is vital to your effort to obtain the best possible case outcome. Ultimately, every case is unique, and I can provide the compassionate and responsive representation you need to navigate your case with confidence.
Under Florida law, domestic violence is the label for various crimes committed against family or household members by other family or household members. These are crimes that can cause physical injury or death, including assault and aggravated assault, battery and aggravated battery, sexual assault, and sexual battery, stalking and aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and any other offense that causes physical injury or death.
It’s easy for anyone charged with domestic violence to feel isolated, as though the whole Florida criminal justice system is working against them. This is especially true if you have been wrongfully accused of committing domestic violence. Whether you were wrongfully accused or did commit a domestic violence offense of any kind, an arrest can be a distressing and traumatic experience.
However, the right Miami domestic violence attorney can not only help you approach your case with greater confidence but also have a better chance of securing the most favorable possible outcome for your case. It’s essential to have defense counsel you can trust to aid you in navigating your case’s more complex details. As your defense attorney, I can provide the comprehensive and compassionate defense counsel you need on your side when faced with domestic violence charges in Miami. I have specific and extensive professional experience handling domestic violence cases in Miami, as it’s my core mission to help aid women, children, and members of the Muslim population. I have successfully defended many past clients in difficult domestic violence cases, and I can put this experience to work in your case.
2103 Coral Way
Suite 401
Miami, FL 33145
Palm Beach County Satellite Office
1818 South Australian Ave.
Suite 451
West Palm Beach, FL 33409